By now, most professionals have achieved at least a basic level of competence when it comes to technology skills. However, while many will agree that, from an end-user perspective, technology is getting easier to manage, its inner workings are more complex than ever before. After all, there are more options and a far greater variety of devices and applications, all of which must work together to form a workable IT infrastructure.
Sometimes, you need to turn to the experts for strategic help, and here are four reasons why.
#1. IT alignment
More than four-fifths of organizations claim their technology works against them. In most cases, this came to pass because they didn’t make proper use of available expertise before deciding which solutions to invest in. Everything would’ve been much easier had there been a plan.
Your business is unique, which is why you’re not likely to achieve anything good if you end up being seduced by advertisers peddling some “cutting-edge technology” that doesn’t actually fit with your needs or industry. A consultant, on the other hand, serves as a business partner with a vested interest in helping you select the right solutions per your specific corporate and operational goals.
#2. Reduced costs
Many leaders of startups and small businesses shudder at the mere thought of hiring a consultant, finding it hard to believe that the investment will pay off. It’ll either be cheap and questionable or expensive and hard-to-grasp advice. Fortunately, IT consulting fits perfectly into the managed services business model.
Outsourcing IT support is ideal for small businesses that don’t require a permanent in-house IT department. For larger organizations, hiring a consultant for the duration of a specific project is another popular option. In either case, consultants reduce costs in the longer term, since their advice can lead to improvements that last for years.
#3. Minimized downtime
Downtime is the bane of the technology-driven world of modern business and costs Charlotte companies millions every year. It’s also a common result of a piecemeal approach to IT installations and optimizations. In worst-case scenarios, you can end up in a situation where employees spend more time trying to work around trivial IT problems than actually doing their jobs.
Depending on the effectiveness and suitability of your technological solutions, your technology can either save time and optimize processes or it can create costs and problems that didn’t exist before. Working with an IT consultant is a surefire way to ensure that everything is considered before producing a focused, long-term plan. A consultant should understand which solutions are best for your business and how to implement and maintain them for optimal performance.
#4. Enhanced data security
As businesses and consumers alike become more reliant on technology, data has become an invaluable business commodity that everyone wants a piece of, cybercriminals included. Barely a day goes by without a massive data breach hitting the headlines. Often, these security meltdowns are a result of a complete failure to understand how modern technology works.
Any dependable IT consultant or managed IT services provider will have a thorough understanding of the security risks facing your business, and achieving a maximum level of security should always be at the forefront of their minds. They’ll help educate you and your team on the risks so that you can turn the weakest link (that being human ignorance) into your first and last line of defense against cyberthreats.
Spectrumwise helps small businesses in Charlotte save money and get more out of technology with expertise you can depend on. Contact us today to learn more.