Much like moving to a new house, relocating your business to a new office is an exciting time. But it can also be stressful and fraught with problems as you adapt to the new space and minimize disruptions to your business.
Office relocations often come about as a result of company growth, such as expanding into new service areas. Growth is great, but it isn’t always easy, especially when you need to set up an entirely new workplace and relocate all the technology your staff rely on every day.
Determine your requirements early
So, you’ve outgrown your current location, and those four walls and a roof, which might have served you well for many years, have become a barrier to success. Moving to a new office isn’t a decision to be taken lightly, particularly when it comes to technology. Although the workforce is becoming more mobile, and companies are migrating to the cloud, businesses still have complicated network designs and stringent internet bandwidth requirements.
Furthermore, companies that have their own in-house servers or data centers will also need to factor in electrical and cooling infrastructure as well as physical space and security requirements. All of these are things you must understand inside and out before making a decision about where your new office will be.
Draft a relocation plan
While moving house usually only affects a handful of people, an office relocation affects hundreds. Every relocation needs a robust plan that includes a timetable and a checklist of tasks to complete in order of priority. Many business leaders overlook the importance of their network cabling and how it will fit into the new premises.
Simple issues like a lack of internet connectivity in a room or a short supply of electrical outlets in a certain area can be enough to cause serious delays, which is why you must map out your entire network layout in advance.
Back up your systems and files
No matter how careful people are, there’s always a greater risk of damaging your hardware or losing data during a move. This can occur if systems aren’t disconnected properly, damaged or lost during transport, or set up incorrectly. Backing up your data before the move mitigates all these risks. Even if something does go wrong, cloud backups cost next to nothing to restore. In fact, an office relocation is the perfect time to consider implementing solutions that allow you to get rid of expensive hardware and rely on the cloud for more benefits.
Get the timing right
After all the planning and preparing, there’s one last detail to be finalized: the date of your big move. In fact, many experts recommend that you have the date picked several months in advance. This should give you plenty of time to iron out all the details, get through any potential bureaucratic hurdles, mobilize your employees, and thoroughly prepare your technology infrastructure.
It’s also a good idea to line up a professional office relocation firm two or three months ahead of time. They’ll will help you order new equipment, sign contracts with electrical and internet service providers, achieve safety compliance, and update your business address. After all this, you can finally choose an appropriate day to move. Usually, it’s best to move on the weekend or out of office hours so your employees can get straight back to work on the following Monday.
Spectrumwise offers first-class office relocation services to companies in Charlotte, Gastonia, and Rock Hill. Call us today to request a no-obligation quote.